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Thursday 17 May 2012

Air travel dylaw

Each airline may have different air travel rules, based on specific policies. For example, some airlines accept unaccompanied minors with no airline escort at the age of 12. Others have a minimum age of 14. Some airlines allow small pets in the cabin; others don't. In both of these cases, you may have to pay additional fees. These rules are not set by Federal Aviation Administration or Transportation Security Administration policy -- with the exception of some minimum standards -- but by the airlines themselves. For travelers with unusual situations, it is always best to check ahead of time.
Air travel rules, even for the most experienced of travelers, can be somewhat confusing. Though the regulations are meant to provide a safe travel experience for all passengers, some may be tempted to think they are overly burdensome. However, understanding what the rules are, and carefully checking any carry-on luggage, can help avoid a great deal of frustration at the security checkpoint. Anything not acceptable at that checkpoint must be surrendered, or a passenger will not be allowed to pass.

Sharp Objects and Firearms

It is almost never permitted to carry on anything that could be considered a sharp object. Knives, except for those which are plastic or butter knives with rounded ends, are always prohibited. Rounded scissors are also permitted. Any other type of object with a sharp edge will likely not be permitted. Also, anything that can expel a projectile at a high speed, such as a gun, even a paintball gun, is also prohibited -- along with items that resemble guns.


No flammable liquids are permitted. It is acceptable to carry liquids in a container if the total amount is less than three ounces per container. It is acceptable, once through the security checkpoint at the airport, to buy drinks at the gate and carry them on the aircraft.

Luggage Size

In general, the size of the carry-on luggage often depends on the aircraft and its storage capacities. In most cases, the carry-on luggage must not weigh more than 40 pounds. In some cases, the weight limit is 20 pounds. Also, the luggage must not exceed an area of 55 square inches at most. This, too, varies by airline and perhaps even the type of aircraft on which you are traveling.


  1. Great!! Wonderful piece of information...

  2. This is not just information, it's a lecture. I love it.
